Annals of Buffalo Valley - History Index
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....Page where name appears the "Annals of Buffalo Valley" Records...
..Frederick, 52. 66. 382. 429
..A. 341
..Abraham 427
..Catherine 296
..Catherine (Mrs. Tobias Sheckler) 335
..Ebenezer 583
..George 69,181, 182, 253, 273, 296, 300, 317, 318, 323, 335, 384
..Jabel 353
..Jacob 340, 409, 424, 581
..Joseph R. 591
..Matilda 568
..Peter 69, 180, 253, 300, 312, 409, 424
..Philip 341, 384, 568
..Mrs. Philip (Christena Brown) 341, 384
..Samuel  409. 424
..Thomas 148, 214, 302, 340