Alvin Sheckler
February 4, 1920
Hazel L. Hanks
They set up home in Battle Creek

The wife of Alvin's brother Linn,
had passed away in 1919.

Linn's children and sister Hazel
had been boarding on different
farms near Colon.

Upon their marriage
Alvin and Hazel
took in these four children pictured at right. Linn's oldest son, Merril
remained as a boarder on the farm on Fairfax road.

When Linn remarried
Lester, Terresa and Lois returned to living with their dad.

See: Ada Sheckler

Go To: George Sheckler Page
Alvin's father

When Ada died, she  boarded on a farm northeast of Colon.
Lois lived with her sister Teressa on the Bower homestead on Wattles Road.
After about a year Lois and Teressa were taken in by their Uncle Alvin who
had just been married and lived in Battle Creek.