Grandma Sheckler's Washer and Tubstand

In the 1940's and 50's Grandma was doing her washing every Monday morning.
After washing, she put the clothes from the washing machine, through the wringer
into the 1st rinse tub. Dushing them up and down a bit to get the soap out, she then put them through the wringer again into the 2nd rinse tub. Dushing them a 2nd time she then put them through the wringer a final time into the clothes basket. Then she carried them out through the garage, up 11 steps and around the house to the clothes line.  Grandpa quite often carried these wet clothes up for her.

The wringer could be a dangerous thing. Many mothers and kids have got their hands caught in them. Their arm would be pulled in right up to their shoulder and many times they may have to live with a damaged arm for the rest of their lives.

Goto: Basement Plan