EXCERPTS of Conrad Sheckler's Diary   1853-1856
Goto Conrad's history page ..1857-1860..  .1861-1863.  ..1864-1865.......
Jan       6  Debate on _?_? Rail Road questions
Feb       4  to Prof. Coles, lecture "Electricity"
           26  Harderman's shooting match 
Mar    16  got tools at sale 
Apr       9  got chisels ground "sharpened "
May   16  to court in New Berlin as juror 
Jun     11  got seyth at A.J. Sutz's
July    21  finally got ___for spring house 

Aug      7  got deed for timber lot
Sep    16   helped haul out chip dirt from saw mill 
           21  to Will Sarvis about cow to fatten 
Oct     12  shot deer behind barn 
Dec      9  Butchered

Feb     21  in marrow (a marsh) found snow would not last, turned back. 
Mar    16  broke wagon in marrows
Mar    18  made logs for house 

Apr       4  Fracey grafted for me (fruit tree grafting)
May    26 Pried up the house & put sills under
Jun       9  put new roof on house
July      9  father up." (Conrad's 31st birthday)
           29  sore foot, trampled in nails 
Oct       1  Geo Hauck and wife here  (Conrad's father & mother in-law)
             2  gathered apples
             3  made cider 
             4  boiled apple butter
Nov      4  first coat of plaster applied
Jan        9  G, wife & I to A. Hauck then to Lewisburg. (G = son george)
                  This the 1st time Conrad mentioned his son George
Feb     16  Elected J.P. (Justice of Peace)
Apr       8  Easter morn to Cowan (church) on to ? for peach trees
           28  to New Berlin then Mifflinburg, sister Amelia child case
July      9  helped father take in the last of his hay
(Conrad's 32nd birthday)
Oct     13  Wife and I to fathers, mother sick
           15  switched seedlings and chestnut trees and down to fathers
           17  to Mothers funeral, died Monday 15 age 55 "Elizabeth STRUBLE"
Nov      7  stopped school until book excitment be settled

Jan       7  suit about wagon sold at sale
Apr       8  fixed deed for my hill land
           12  fixed deed for church lot
May   20  Sheriff Guldin came for papers which I had left with Sawyer Miller 
           31  Joe Hauck died after noon
July      9  ( Conrad's 33rd Birthday )
Sept      2  wife and I to fathers then to Lewisburg
           10  helped Haucks thresh
Oct     10  to fair at Mifflinburg
           19  to Bechtils to raise pole, did not get it up