EXCERPTS of Conrad Sheckler's Diary   1864 - 1865
.1853-1856 .1857-1860. ..1861-1863...  Goto Conrad's history page .....
Feb     13  David Hauck, George and I to Reeds Gap
Mar    26  George Hauck died. Sunday Easter
Apr     16  horse stolen by a Kleakner of Sugarvalley, 
                  David Hauck and Daniel Reish found horse in Pine Swamp
May   26  started for Middlling, turned back on ridge account of rain
Jun     17  helped raise barn for Jim Eaglehart's Jr.
Aug    18  to Captain James Rotiz, Friday sold for him, Saturday wrote his will
Sept   28  to depot opposite Lewisburg, fetched clock
Oct      6  took off York Madaene grapes
          10  temperature at house 26, lower part of vineyard 28.5, upperend 30
          14  George took grapes to Levi Hauck George now 13
Dec     9  Butchered
Jan     10  wife to fathers helped fix for wedding
           12  to sister Annies wedding
           17  to Mifflingburg got bills struck for sale of Haucks property
Mar    10  to Aunt Magees, Aunt Ann Struble died
            17  to election, great flood
Apr        9  Uncle John Moyer Overderf & Voneda of Woodward here
            22  to Lewisburg sworn into Justice office 3rd time
            30  wife to church Lincoln funeral sermon, died" more sermons followed
May    26  helped D. Hauck haul load sand to repair over  for Mrs. G. Hauck
            30  wifes grandmother Moyer died
July       4  to Lewisburg celebration of July 4th
              9  Conrad's 42nd Birthday
            27  across Jacks Mountain, prospecting for coal
Aug      12  sold for Stilza and to oil works north of Hartleton